What We Do
We collect and analyze the frequently asked questions in the exams and solve your all the queries and questions and help you to understand the topic completely so that you will be able to answer that topic at best.
Creating a Platform for Students to Interact and Learn together Online.
Making Study Material easily available online Free of cost.
Providing Students with the Opportunities to Learn and Grow all together.
Helping Students Land their Dream Job and Career.
We are a team of Biotechnology Students, We observed that most of our friends have been facing problems in understanding the complex topics and subjects, even after getting taught by teachers again and again.
We tried to find a solution for the same. And we observed that, when something is taught by our friend instead of our teacher, we tend to grasp it much easily and efficiently, That's why, we started AgriExplorer as a Platform to Help Students learn, understand and score better.
Meet the Team
Omprakash R. Shete
Advisory Director of Agri Explorer.
A very passionate student about Biotechnology and seeking towards entrepreneurship to collage two fields and bring it under one domain.
Jayant D. Bari
Managing Director of Agri Explorer.
A forever learner and dedicated student. Constantly working on to improve and upskill everyone along.
Anurag A. Deshmukh
Technical Director of Agri Explorer.
A hard working and technical beast at website development, video editing and content creation.