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A myeloma protein is an abnormal antibody (immunoglobulin) or (more often) a fragment thereof, such as an immunoglobulin light chain, that is produced in excess by an abnormal monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells, typically in multiple myeloma.
A myeloma protein is an irregular neutralizer or a piece thereof, for example, an immunoglobulin light chain, that is delivered in overabundance by a strange monoclonal multiplication of plasma cells, commonly in various myeloma.
M protein is an abnormal protein produced by plasma cells. If you have a lot of it in your blood.
A myeloma protein is an abnormal antibody or a fragment thereof, such as an immunoglobulin light chain, that is produced in excess by an abnormal monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells, typically in multiple myeloma
A myeloma protein is an abnormal immunoglobulin, such as an immunoglobulin light chain, that is produced in excess by an abnormal monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells, typically in multiple myeloma. Other terms for such a protein are M protein, M component, M spike, spike protein, or paraprotein.
Myeloma protein is an abnormal antibody or a fragment there of i. e. Produced in excess by an abnormal monoclonal proliferation of plasma cell.